Tavistock Area Men in Sheds
£104.00 of £1,300.00 target
4 tickets of 50 ticket goal
About our cause
Men in Sheds is a project aimed specifically at men aged 50+ and looks to bring men together to put their practical skills to good use and encourage them to be more socially active.
It provides a space to develop a hobby workshop where men can work together on a range of practical activities. This could focus on woodworking, horticulture or metal work, however, new project ideas are always welcome.
Members can put their skills to good use, share their knowledge, learn new skills and generally put the world to rights over a cup of tea. People can come from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from highly skilled to those with little or no experience, but all work together and there is a role for everyone!
Being part of One Lottery means that with your support we can help to generate regular sustainable funding. This will enable us to continue to help our community thrive – but we couldn't do it without you.
Buying a ticket through One Lottery means that we can continue to grow and provide our services. So whether you buy 1 ticket or 10 tickets, thank you.
Good Luck! Tavistock Area Men in Sheds
Next draw prizes
£25,000 jackpot
Next draw
Sat 8 February 2025
Draw results
£25,000 jackpot
How the lottery works
£1 per ticket
That's right, unlike many other lotteries, our lottery tickets are only £1 per week.
Help us do more
For every ticket you play 78.2% goes to good causes and prizes.
£25,000 jackpot prize
Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
Society information

Promoted by:
49a The Shearers, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 4AZ
Licensed and regulated by:
The Gambling Commission
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