Lambeage Hall and Battery, Coverack
Coverack, Helston
£3,146.00 of £3,900.00 target
121 tickets of 150 ticket goal
About our cause
Being part of One Lottery means that with your support we can help to generate regular sustainable funding and prove to grant funders that we have a good supporter base. This will enable us to continue to help our community space thrive – but we couldn't do it without you.
Buying a ticket through One Lottery means that we can continue to grow and improve our facilities. Our next big project is to improve access to our hall for the benefit of all. We sincerely thank each and every one of you.
Good Luck! - Mrs Helen Macfarlane
Next draw prizes
£25,000 jackpot
£29.04 guaranteed prize (this will go up as tickets are sold)
Next draw
Sat 15 February 2025
Draw results
£25,000 jackpot
£29.76 - won by Mrs H
How the lottery works
£1 per ticket
That's right, unlike many other lotteries, our lottery tickets are only £1 per week.
Help us do more
For every ticket you play 78.2% goes to good causes and prizes.
£25,000 jackpot prize
Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
Society information
Promoted by:
Lambeage Hall and Battery
Lambeage Hall and Battery, Sunny Corner, Coverack, HELSTON, TR12 6SY
Registered with:
Cornwall Council
Registration number:
LI19_ 001456
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